


Salesforce Dreamforce

In collaboration with



The successful project for Salesforce started with our long-term partner GPJ approaching us with a request to create an interactive installation that would engage visitors and collect data on IT security practices in companies. About to premier at Salesforce Dreamforce '22 event, the project involved a challenging timeline and several technical unknowns.

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This project was the perfect opportunity for us to showcase the power of our latest solution, Event5. The general idea behind Event5 is to create event software using web technologies, which allows for record production times while simultaneously reducing production costs. The solution requires only a web browser for hardware compatibility, de-risking on-site unknowns. Updates are deployed on-the-fly, as there is no need for native apps to be installed on event devices. What's more, remote testing and reviews allow for smoother and more confident production workflow between us and our clients, and need for on-site support is reduced or entirely eliminated.


Besides utilising a groundbreaking new workflow, we focused on making the questionnaire fun to use. To achieve this, we came up with a creative design and animation that led the user through a series of easy-to-answer questions.

Live results

Thanks to the approach we used, the questionnaire results and data insights were made available to the client instantly. The bespoke designed questionnaire collected valuable data on IT security practices in companies that attended the Salesforce Dreamforce '22 event. The data was then processed and aggregated, producing invaluable insights into the industry.


The event and the collaboration were handled smoothly thanks to a groundbreaking new approach of using web technologies to deliver software for event activations. Our Event5 workflow has proven to be a game changer when it comes to reliability, speed, and efficiency.